Love music? Support musicians? Help us produce the movie "The Juke Joint In Acton - A Blues Community"
Love music? Support musicians? Help us produce the movie "The Juke Joint In Acton - A Blues Community"
CA14, and its new division, CA14 productions, are proud to announce the production of their first movie - a music documentary and concert film, The Juke Joint in Acton – A Blues Community. It celebrates and promotes the history, community, music and cultural significance of a unique, private, rural blues venue, The Juke Joint in Acton, Ontario, and is a tribute to its late founder and well-known music promoter, Stew Laing. Watch the trailer, see the interviews with musicians, and please, for the love of music and the support of musicians everywhere, help us with final production costs via PayPal, our Gofundme campaign or graze on our sponsorship offerings - all at A part of proceeds and any pre-opwned guitars received will be donated to Guitars for Kids Toronto. Watch for the premier and release dates this August. We all appreciate your support. Contact Eric Doubt, Producer 905-510-0401. HELP US PUT HALTON HILLS ON THE MUSICAL MAP.

Additional Info
Media Contact : Eric Doubt
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